You’re drawn to patterns, clever and elegant solutions, and the ability to see the underlying order in a chaotic world. Here you’ll become an experienced problem solver fluent in the language of the universe.

Thinking About a Math Career?
Careers in MathThe Department of Mathematics takes both theoretical and applied approaches to multidisciplinary learning and research. Refine your analytical skills by strengthening your background in subject areas such as algebra, calculus, probability, combinatorics, graph theory, numerical analysis, difference equations, and dynamical systems. A degree in math will provide you with a strong foundation to enter many fields like biology, chemistry, computer science, finance, or engineering.
AWM URI Inaugural Event - Join us on February 3rd, Monday, at 2:00pm, Lippitt Hall 4th floor Auditorium, for an the inaugural talk: "Modeling the dynamics of centrosome movement" by Dr. Sarah Olson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Abstract: In this talk I will first given an…
Dr. Pengyu Liu to present at The First International On-line Knot Theory Congress - The First International On-line Knot Theory Congress takes place February 1 - 5, 2025. This conference gathers leading mathematicians in low-dimensional topology around the world such as Dr. Louis Kauffman and Dr. Edward Witten. Our faculty member Dr. Pengyu Liu…
Dr. Nhu Nguyen Awarded NSF Grant! - Congratulation to our faculty member Nhu Nguyen! Nhu has been awarded an NSF grant: DMS-2407669 Collaborative Research: Stochastic Functional Systems: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications. Dates: August 1, 2024 -- July 31, 2027 (Estimated). Amount: $198,173.00. ABSTRACT: The time evolution…
Dr. Kelum Gajamannage Receives NSF Grant! - Congratulation to our faculty member Kelum Gajamannage! Kelum has been awarded an NSF grant: DMS-2418826 LEAPS-MPS: Hadamard Deep Autoencoders and Alternating Directional Methods of Multipliers for Manifold Learning Enabled Distance Preserving Matrix Completion. Dates: September 1, 2024 -- August 31,…
Emily Barranca Defends Her Doctoral Thesis - Graduate student Emily Barranca successfully defended her doctoral dissertation this July, entitled "Recognizing induced subgraph and tree structure from the adjacency spectrum of a graph." Her research, advised by Dr. Michael Barrus, combines principles of linear algebra and graph theory.…