MTH 141 Introductory Calculus

Department of Mathematics, Lippitt Hall - (401) 874 7635

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal


Special Needs   Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact the instructor as early in the semester as possible so that reasonable accommodations may be arraigned (contact Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union 401-874-2098).


Academic Honesty  Cheating is defined in the University Manual section 8.27.10 as  the claiming of credit for work not done independently without giving credit for aid received, or any unauthorized communication during examinations (of course, this includes use of the “internet”). Students are expected to be honest in all academic work. The resolution of any charge of cheating or plagiarism will follow the guidelines set forth in the University Manual 8.27.10 - 8.27.20.


Incomplete Grade   URI regulations concerning incomplete grades will be followed to the letter. See sections  8.53.20 and 8.53.21 of the university manual.


Getting started with WileyPlus  WileyPlus will be used for some of your homework assignments. If you took MTH 141 at URI last semester your Wiley-plus registration should continue this semester. If not, you will need to register with Wiley-plus using the license key that came with your textbook.

If you ARE already registered for WileyPlus from MTH141 last term, then go to and log in with the same user name and password.

If you ARE NOT registered from last semester then you can either buy a new textbook which comes with an access code for WileyPlus and follow the instruction that come with the textbook OR you can go to and purchase a WileyPlus registration which comes with an online texbook.

If you need help registering go to

WileyPlus assignments will be given every week. Due dates for WileyPlus assignments are firm, however students may submit late WileyPlus homework with a 50% penalty.



Tutoring help: The In addition to your instructor's office hours, there is help avaliable from the Academic Enhancement Center (AEC). The Academic Enhancement Center (AEC) offers three types of help: Supplemental Instruction, Math Walk-In Tutoring Center, and Appointment-Based Math Tutoring. For more details, see Resources for students.

Standards of Behavior
Students are responsible for being familiar with and adhering to the published "Community Standards of Behavior: University Policies and Regulations” which can be accessed in the University Student Handbook.  Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities is considered disruptive behavior and may be subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior inhibits other students’ ability to learn and an instructor’s ability to teach. A student responsible for disruptive behavior may be required to leave class pending discussion and resolution of the problem and may be reported to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs for disciplinary action.

Religious holidays It is the policy of the University of Rhode Island to accord students, on an individual basis, the opportunity to observe their traditional religious holidays. Students desiring to observe a holiday of special importance must provide written notification to each instructor.

1. You are expected to attend every lecture, and to submit your work on time.
2. It is your responsibility to communicate clearly in writing up solutions for homework, quizzes, and exams. Your results must display your understanding well and be written in a correct, complete, coherent, and well organized fashion. The rules of language still apply in mathematics, and they apply even when symbols are used in formulas, equations, etc. Precise communication and neatness count!
3. The rapid pace of the class requires that you spend time every day doing homework, reviewing notes, reading the textbook, and working out extra problems, all in addition to the time spent in class. 


Grading disagreementsRarely, issues arise that may require arbitration. If such an issue does occur, and only after you have initially tried to resolve the issue with your instructor—in a professional  and respectful manner—please contact the coordinator of MTH 141.


Major Test Makeup Policy  Makeup exams may be scheduled in the event you are unable to attend the evening exams under the following conditions. In particular, if you must miss the exam because of a scheduling conflict, you must notify your instructor before, not after, the exam, and emergencies require you to contact your instructor within 24 hours.

  • If your reason for missing the exam as scheduled is (i) a University santioned event for which verifiable documentation can be provided (including another scheduled class), or (ii) a responsibility to an employer that cannot be rescheduled (with documentation from your employer), then you MUST INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE EXAM AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION IF REQUESTED. Makeup exams will be scheduled after the actual exam, and preferably before the class period when exams are to be handed back, but no later than one week after the original date.
  • If the reason for missing the exam as scheduled is due to (i) illness (with verifiable documentation from a medical provider), or (ii) an emergency (with appropriate documentation), then you MUST INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE EXAM and provide documentation upon your return. Failure to notify your instructor within 24 hours will result in a 0 for the exam. No exceptions. Makeup exams may be scheduled no later than a week after the original date, unless the illness or emergency precludes this, in which case the makeup exam will be given on a common date during the last two weeks of the semester.

Test Policy

  • You must have a URI Photo ID with you to take an exam, and show it to the proctor as you hand in your exam.
  • No books, bags, papers, extra scrap paper, or anything else may be taken with you to your seat. If you bring any of these items with you, you must leave them at the front of the room.
  • No calculators of any kind are permitted on exams.
  • No cellphones, MP3 players, or any electronic devices of any kind may be used or even accessible to you at any time during the exam.
  • Proctors will not answer any questions concerning the content of exams.
  • You may not leave the room during the exam before you are done without authorization from the coordinator. If you leave the room for any reason, your exam will be collected.
  • Once finished, you must hand your exam to a proctor (your instructor, if in the room) and show your URI photo ID.
    You are advised to bring multiple pencils to the exams, just in case. Do NOT use a pen.

Electronic Devices Cell phones, ipads, ipods, etc. should be turned off during class.  Excepted from this are electronic pads used for notetaking. Your instructor may tell you about other exceptions. “texting” is not allowed.


In class Please ask questions at any time. We will make an effort to clarify difficult concepts, or to explore any interesting ideas you may offer.  Class participation has a positive impact on the student’s learning, and we encourage it.


Late Work Policy Late work in Mathematica or in WileyPlus will have a 50% penalty, and must be submitted before the last day of class. 


Tardiness, leaving early If you must come in late or leave early, let the instructor know before the class.

Are you planning to take MTH 142 soon? Recall that a MTH142 pre-req. is C- or better grade in MTH141


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