This website is the syllabus for this course.

Course Outline

Date Event Chapter Worksheet
Due Date
9th ed. Homework Problems
(Hand in)
Due Date
Sept. 9 - Sept. 25
(17 days)
Quiz 1
Chapter 1 11:55pm
Sept. 18
pp. 25 - 29
4, 8, 14abc, 30, 34, 40
Sept. 25
Sept. 26 - Oct. 9
(14 days)
Quiz 2
Chapter 2 11:55pm
Oct. 2
pp. 62 - 71
4, 7, 12, 26, 34, 46a, 55, 74
Oct. 9
Oct. 10 - Oct. 23
(14 days)
Quiz 3
Chapter 5 11:55pm
Oct. 16
pp. 199 - 203
6, 10, 14, 24, 34
Oct. 23
Oct. 24 - Nov. 6
(14 days)
Quiz 4
Chapter 9 11:55pm
Oct. 30
pp. 350 - 352
2, 9, 10, 14, 16
Nov. 6
Nov. 7 - Nov. 22
(16 days)
Quiz 5
Chapter 16 11:55pm
Nov. 15
pp. 595 - 596
4, 8, 12, 18, 21, 33, 37
Nov. 22
Nov. 23 - Dec. 11
(19 days)
Quiz 6
Chapter 21 11:55pm
Dec. 4
pp. 794 - 800
3, 11, 12, 24, 56
Dec. 11

Evaluation/Grade (Sakai-> Gradebook)

Description Points
6 Online
20 points each, total 120 points
6 Homework
10 points each, total 60 points
6 Chapter
10 points each, total 60 points
(6 discussion groups, i.e. Forums)
10 points each, total 60 points
  300 Total Points

A (100% - 92%) A- (91% - 90%) B+ (89% - 87%) B (86% - 82%) B- (81% - 80%)
C+ (79% - 77%) C (76% - 72%) C- (71% - 70%) D+ (69% - 67%) D (66% - 60%)
F (59% - 0%) Compute Grade: (your total points)/300 * 100 = your percentage
No across the board curves allowed. No extra credit.
Incompletes can only be given if you are passing the course.
No comprehensive final exam. The course ends on Friday Dec. 11.

Quizzes (Sakai-> Tests & Quizzes)

Quizzes will be given through Sakai. There are 6 quizzes (one for each chapter). Each quiz will have 10 questions. The quiz for that chapter will only be available during the time we are covering the chapter. You will have a maximum of two hours to complete quizzes 1, 2, 3, and 4. A maximum of four hours for quizzes 5 and 6. You will be allow two tries per quiz. The computer will accept the best score. Failure to take a quiz in the given time slot will be given a zero. No exceptions!
Quiz 1
(Chapter 1)
Available: 12:00 am Sept. 9 - 11:55pm Sept. 25
Quiz 2
(Chapter 2)
Available: 12:00 am Sept. 26 - 11:55pm Oct. 9
Quiz 3
(Chapter 5)
Available: 12:00 am Oct. 10 - 11:55pm Oct. 23
Quiz 4
(Chapter 9)
Available: 12:00 am Oct. 24 - 11:55pm Nov. 6
Quiz 5
(Chapter 16)
Available: 12:00 am Nov. 7 - 11:55pm Nov. 22
Quiz 6
(Chapter 21)
Available: 12:00 am Nov. 23 - 11:55pm Dec. 11

Homework Assignments (Sakai-> Assignments)

All homework has been assigned with a final due date. The assignments must be submitted by the due date using the Assignments tool in Sakai. DO NOT SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS VIA EMAILS OR FAXES! I will not accept them! Do not ask to submit late homework. I suggest using a word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word or OpenOffice) for your assignments and then create a pdf file. You can also scan and upload handwritten assignments or take a digital picture of your handwritten assignment with a camera or smart phone. The only acceptable file formats for homework submissions: (picture)jpg, gif, tiff, pdf and (document) html, doc, odt, pdf. I prefer all homework assignments to be submitted as PDF files. If I cannot open your file submission, I will allow only ONE resubmission in a different format. I will not accept homework without worked out problems. Homework assignments with answers only will be given a zero. You must show the work for credit. You should do a similar odd problem to make sure you understand the homework. Each homework problem (or answer) is worth 1. Problems with multiple parts (or require multiple answers), will have each part (or answer) worth 1. Each homework assignment is worth 10 points. For example, if an assignments has 18 problems (counting multiple parts e.g. 3a, 3b, 3c 3d would count as 4 problems or if a problem requires 2 answers that would count as 2) and you miss 2 problems, your homework score is 16/18 = 8.9 points.

Chapter Worksheets (Sakai-> Assignments)

Each worksheet will have 10 questions (each worth 1 point). The worksheets are designed to help you understand material. The worksheets are downloadable from the Assignment tool within Sakai as a Microsoft Word (or OpenOffice) and also as a pdf file. You can write on the worksheets and upload your answers or (similar to homework submissions) take a digital picture of your handwritten assignment with a camera or smart phone. All worksheet answers must be submitted within Sakai. The due dates for the worksheets are one week before the due date for homework assignments, so that you can get feedback on problems before submitting your homework and doing your quizzes. DO NOT SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS VIA EMAILS OR FAXES! I will not accept them! Do not ask to submit late worksheets.

Participation (Discussion groups, i.e. Forums) (Sakai-> Forums)

You will be required to participate in the discussion groups, i.e. Forums. Topics will be posted as the course progresses. There will be one Forum for each chapter we cover. This is considered class participation and counts for 60 points out of 300 points or 20% of your grade. At the end of a discussion I will grade each student. A student that receives 5pts on each criterion would receive a grade of 10pts for that discussion. No make-ups allowed. This is suppose to be interactive and you will lose points for not posting in a timely matter (see rubric below).

Forums Grading Rubric
Criteria 5pts 3pts 1pt or 0 pts
Responses to
Student responds to the posted questions with thoughtful ideas, uses concepts in the text, adds additional information, and post in a timely manner. Student responds to the posted question in a way that does not clearly use the concepts in the text. Student responds to the posted question but misses the main idea. A student with INCORRECT fact in their posting can only receive a maximum of 1 pt for response to questions. Check your facts!
Participation Postings encourage and facilitate interaction among members of the online community. Student responds to other postings. Must post 3 or more times to get 5 pts. Postings rarely interact with or respond to other members of the online community. Not actively engaged in the discussion. Postings respond to questions posed by the instructor only. Students rarely post to the discussion boards. Posting of ’’I agree’’ is not consider a posting.

Laura Barnes

Office hours: By appointment
Office: Lippitt Hall 101 A
Office Phone: (401) 874-2808

For All Practical Purposes

The required textbook, "For All Practical Purposes", 9th edition by COMAP, Publisher W.H. Freeman. Do NOT use an older edition. All students must have either a phyiscal copy of the textbook or an ebook.Click on the textbook above to go to the ebook.

For All Practical Purposes Campanion Site

The required textbook, The textbook "For All Practical Purposes", 9th edition by COMAP,Publisher W.H. Freeman has a campanion website. The campanion website contains a lot helpful material,e.g. Java Applets, falshcards, practice quizzes. The site can be accessed via the link Campanion or click on the picture above to go to the campanion website.

Course Description

The Math 108, Practical Mathematics, is a special topics course that satisfies the general education requirement for Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (MQ) at the University of Rhode Island. The three general educations skills addressed in this class, are reading complex texts, using quantitative data, and using information technology. The content of the course is intended for students majoring in the liberal arts or other fields that do not have a specific mathematical requirement. This course covers in part the following topics, Management Science, Identification Numbers, the Internet, Voting Methods, and the Mathematics of Money. Prerequisite for this course is basic high school math.

Learning Outcomes

The course is designed to help students learn to think logically and analytically, and to understand the importance and practical applications of math in everyday life, science, and technology.

Course Objectives and Goals

To better appreciate the variety of subjects within mathematics, you will be introduced to some exciting ideas in mathematics that come from a wide variety of disciplines along with real world applications. The course intends to help students think logically and critically about mathematical information that abounds in our society.

Academic Integrity

Cheating is defined in the University Manual section 8.27.10 as the claiming of credit for work not done independently without giving credit for aid received, or any unauthorized communication during examinations. Students are expected to be honest in all academic work. The resolution of any charge of cheating or plagiarism will follow the guideline set forth in the University Manual 8.27.10-8.27.20, Online quizzes must be done independently. Suspicious scores may require additional explanation.