MTH243 Multivariable Calculus

  University of Rhode Island
  Fall 2005
  Sections 02 and 04
Find the volume of cool and unusual geometric shapes.
Fluid flow velocity is a vector field. Vortices are localized regions of high curl.

Instructor: Lubos Thoma                   Class Schedule:   TuTh 9.30am -- 10.45am, Wales 223
Office: Tyler Hall 214                              TuTh 11.00am -- 12.15pm, Rodman 001
Tel: 874.4451
Email: Office hours:   TuTh 1.00 - 2.30 pm and by appointment

Syllabus and Schedule Exams On the Course, and evaluation
Maple worksheets Online material AEC Tutoring,   maple help

     Exam 1 will be held on Tuesday October 4, 6.00 -- 7.30 pm, in the East Hall Auditorium
     Exam 2 will be held on Tuesday November 1, 6.00 -- 7.30 pm, in the East Hall Auditorium.
     Exam 3 will be held on Tuesday December 6, 6.00 -- 7.30 pm, in the East Hall Auditorium.

     Final Exam will be held on Thursday December 15, 8.00 -- 11.00am (common exam slot), in the East Hall Auditorium.
               The Final Exam is a comprehensive exam.

               Fall 2005 final exam schedule

Printable syllabus:   postscript     pdf
Text: James Stewart, Multivariable Calculus Concepts & Context, 3rd edition, Brooks/Cole, Chapters 9--13.
Prerequisites: MTH 142  or equivalent
Calculators: A graphing calculator is required.

Evening Exams and the Final   There will be three evening exams scheduled on the weeks indicated in the syllabus. The exact time and location of the evening exams, as well as the final exam, will be announced in class and posted on this page.

Grading   Your grade will be based upon the following 650 points, as follows:

The comprehensive final exam, which will be scheduled during the final exams period and is worth 200 points. Your instructor will discuss in class the specifics.

* Students who require accommodations and who have documentation from Disability Services (874-2098) should make arrangements with their instructor as soon as possible.

The Academic Enhancement Center:   The work in this course can be difficult.  In addition to your instructor's office hours, you can seek help at the Academic Enhancement Center (AEC) in Roosevelt Hall.  AEC tutors can answer questions, clarify concepts, check your understanding, and help you to study. You can make an appointment or walk in. For a complete schedule go to, call (401) 874-2367, or stop by the fourth floor in Roosevelt Hall.

Our Maple helpers are available at the Mathematics Department CyberLab, Tyler Hall, Room 101. The schedule is posted here.