MTH 142   Intermediate Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Summer I   2014

Instructor: Lubos Thoma
Office: Lippit Hall 101F,   tel: 874.4451
Class Schedule: MTuWTh 10.00am -- 12.30m, Lippitt Hall 205

Description:   MTH 142 is the second calculus course. We will continue the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable. Topics include the technique of integration, improper integrals, sequences, series, and an introduction to differential equations.

Textbook:   McCallum, Hughes-Hallet, et. al., Calculus: Single Variable, 6th edition, Wiley.

WileyPlus:   We will be using WileyPlus online homework system this semester. To sign up for the WileyPlus system, you will need a WileyPlus registration code. If you took MTH 141 at URI and used WileyPlus, your Wiley Plus registration will be transferred to work in MTH 142 with the new textbook. If you did not take MTH 141 at URI and need to buy the (current, sixth) edition of the textbook, you should either purchase the textbook from the University Bookstore which will include the Wiley subscription or buy the registration code directly from Wiley.

Calculators:   Graphing calculators will not be used regularly in this course and will not be permitted on exams.

Prerequisites:   MTH 141 or equivalent.

Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact me as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, please be in touch with Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union, 401-874-2098.

Standards of behaviour:     Students are responsible for being familiar with and adhering to the published "Community Standards of Behavior: University Policies and Regulations" which can be accessed in the University Student Handbook. If you must come in late, please do not disrupt the class. Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, or any electronic devices.