MTH 141  Spring 2009
Introductory Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Prerequisites, textbook and ...
Calendar and Recommended Problems About the course Exams and Evaluation
Calculators Wiley Plus Online System About Maple Practice Tests:
Test 1,   Test 2,   Test 3,  
Tutoring Center Mathlets Cheating Policy Students with Disabilities
 Maple Assignments:
  Maple 1, Maple 2 , Maple 3 ,
Calculator Programs Link Sections, instructors Math Home ,   URI Home

FINAL EXAM : FRIDAY, MAY 8, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., EDWARDS AUDITORIUM

AEC Tutoring help:
call the AEC (874-2367) or to stop by the AEC to sign up for a session (so AEC can ensure there is enough space).
MTH 141 Thursday April 30th 1-2:30pm QUIN conference room w/Mike
MTH 141 Friday May 1st 1-2:30 QUIN 103 w/Mike

Prerequisites, textbook, and other things you will need
To register in MTH 141 you need to have completed a precalculus course (MTH 111). The textbook is  Calculus 4e, by Hughes-Hallet, Gleason, McCallum, et al., Wiley Pubs. A graphing calculator is required (TI-83 or TI-84 are recommended). You will need an access code to WileyPlus, the online homework system we will use.

About the course
MTH 141 is the first calculus course for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 
In addition to learning about differential and integral calculus, you will develop new problem solving and critical reasoning skills. The objectives of MTH 141 are 
     To provide a thorough introduction to differential calculus concepts and methods.
     To provide an introduction to integration as a limit of sums, and to the Fundamental Theorem of calculus.
     To provide an introduction to mathematical modeling and numerical issues through the use of technology.

The topics of MTH 141 are limits and continuity, derivatives, maxima and minima, integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

 Exams and Evaluation
There will be three evening exams given on evenings, from 6:00-7:30, common for all sections.  The exam dates are THURSDAY February 19, WEDNESDAY March 25, and WEDNESDAY April 22.   The location will be announced as soon as it is available.  A comprehensive final exam will be given at a time to be announced later. 

Each evening exam is worth 15%. The final exam is worth 30%. Class work, including quizzes, homework, and any work your instructor may assign and Maple assignments will be worth 25%. The particular breakdown of these points will be given by your instructor.

3 Exams @ 15 % each : 45 %
Final Exam : 30 %
Class work, Quizzes, Homework, and Maple Assignments : 25 %
TOTAL : 100 %

 Graphing Calculators
A graphing calculator is required for class and for use on the exams, however there will be one portion of Exam 2 for which no calculator is allowed.  The TI-83 or TI-84 is recommended. The manual that came with your calculator has a section called "Quick Start". Complete this section to become familiar with some of the standard features of you calculator. For this course, we will adhere to the same calculator policy that is used on the Advanced Placement Exams. Follow the link .
You will be asked to enter programs into your calculator during the semester. One allows you to estimate the values of definite integrals. You can find graphing calculator programs and information about entering programs into your graphing calculator at the following website: .

WileyPlus Online Homework System
We will be using WileyPLUS online homework system in this course.
You register for the WileyPLUS system by going to the URL that is unique to your section of MTH 141, so do not sign up for WileyPLUS until you are certain which section of MTH 141 your are taking and you have registered for that section. To access the list of WleyPLUS Student Registration URLs for all sections of MTH 141 go to:

About Maple Assignments
Maple is a powerful computer algebra system that can perform the most complicated calculations and draw spectacular graphics at the touch of the button. Knowledge of software like Maple should help you in your future professional career as well as in understanding material in calculus and calculating solutions to computationally complex problems.  Computers in the Library and the Memorial Union computer labs have Maple installed on them. You can buy a student version of Maple 12 online from ($99 as of January 2009) if you prefer to work on your own computer.

Don't expect the lab monitors to be able to help you with Maple, it IS NOT their job to do so. To get help with Maple, you can either see your instructor, or, visit the math tutoring lab in Lippitt Hall.  The tutoring lab schedule is HERE. In either case, if you have a worksheet that you started and are having trouble completing, bring it with you on a flash drive when you go to get help.

About Cheating
Cheating is defined in the University Manual section 8.27.10 as  the claiming of credit for work not done independently without giving credit for aid received, or any unauthorized communication during examinations.  Students are expected to be honest in all academic work. The resolution of any charge of cheating or plagiarism will follow the guideline set forth in the University Manual 8.27.10 - 8.27.20.

Students with disabilities
Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact the instructor as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations.  As part of this process, please  be in touch with Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union 401-874-2098.