HOMEWORK 1 HINTS - Last modified: Sunday Jan 28, 2007, 5 p.m. ============================================================== Problem 8: you may follow the strategy shown in Case Study 5.2.1 of page 352. Note that k represents the variable, which in this case is discrete (similar to the "y" variable in continuous cases). The "expected frequency" column of the table is what you produce *after* you have computed the estimate for the parameter, and then use it to produce the "expected frequency" column (this is the last thing you do). Problem 12: Just think of "k" as a known constant. (to get started, you may set k to 1 if that helps, and then do the case with general k later). So, L = Product[ t k^t (1/y_i)^(t+1) , i=1..25] here I use "t" for "theta". take logarithm and take derivative with respect to "t". Use properties of logarithms to get a sum. After taking derivatives and setting = 0 you may solve for t. Problem 22: In this problem, the method of moments gives 2 equations. The left-hand side of the first equation is just "mu", since we already know from mth451 that the mean is mu. Then one concludes that mu_e = 1/n (Sum[y_i,i=1..n]). The second equation is E[Y^2] = 1/n (Sum[ y_i^2,i=1..n]). But we know from mth451 that sigma^2 = E[(Y-mu)^2] = E[Y^2]-(E[Y])^2. From this and previous equations we get the answer for sigma^2. Problem 24. Here we need the moment equations for the case of a discrete probability function. They are given in page 358, line number 7. Actually you need only one equation (for j=1) since there is only one parameter for the geometric distribution. The Left-hand-side is the expected value of X. So the equation is, E[X] = 1/n Sum[k_j , j=1..n] But here you may use the fact that for geometric distribution, E[X] = 1/p, according to page 318 Theorem 4.4.1. So plug this into the previous equation to solve for p_e. Finally, the "expected frequencies" are found in a way similar to the example at the top of page 353: plug the parameter value p_e into the formula for the probability function, and then plug in k=1,2,3,..8, multiply by 250 to get an additional column in the table.