Properties of Functions

Increasing and Decreasing Functions

Def.   A function is increasing in an interval P if P is contained in the domain of f(x) and for every x1 and x2 in P such that:

x1 < x2

we have:

f(x1) < f(x2)

Def.   A function is decreasing in an interval P if P is contained in the domain of f(x) and for every x1 and x2 in P such that:

x1 < x2

we have:

f(x1) > f(x2)

In other words, a function is increasing if and only if its graph y=f(x) is climbing as x increases. A function is decreasing if and only if its graph y=f(x) is falling as x increases.

The first of the graphs below represents an increasing function on the interval depicted. The second graph represents a decreasing function.

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Even and Odd Function

Local Minima and Maxima